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Archived resources - Unit standards

The following resources were produced for an earlier version of ESOL unit standards and the assessment tasks do not meet the requirements of the current English language unit standards. The learning tasks and texts may be useful to teachers but will need to be adapted so that the learning outcomes, learning tasks, and assessment tasks prepare students to meet the requirements of the most current version of the English Language unit standards.

English language / ESOL

Our Changing World - an integrated resource for ESOL unit standards, along with unit standard assessment tasks.

Belonging  - an integrated resource for ESOL unit standards

ESOL Level 2 unit standards

ESOL Level 3 unit standards

  • Cars of the Future 17363 v4 (PDF 154KB) - Cars of the Future: ESOL unit standard 17363 (version 4)Read information texts (ESOL). The text is by Bernard Carpinter, pp. 2-7, in Choices (2000), Looking Forward

English and Communication studies

The following resources were produced for an earlier version of English achievement and unit standards. The assessment tasks do not meet the requirements of the current standards. The learning tasks and texts may be useful to teachers but will need to be adapted so that the learning outcomes, learning tasks, and assessment tasks prepare students to meet the requirements of the most current version of the standards.

Banana in a nutshell
These study notes prepare students for English 1.5 View/listen to, study and show understanding of a visual or oral text. Teachers can adapt the notes to their students' needs. The material has been contributed by the filmmaker Roseanne Liang.

Writing for publication: Achievement Standard 1.1
A unit in which students are encouraged to explore their language options in the process of crafting a piece of poetic writing to publication standard.

Fat tax
This unit is scaffolded to support students who are experiencing difficulties in producing transactional writing in complex forms for US 8825. The tasks are designed to introduce students to a written argument based on a newspaper article, and then to produce their own written arguments. 

Genetically modified foods
In this unit, students develop their ideas about genetically modified foods in order to formulate an argument either for or against their production and consumption. The unit prepares students for transactional writing (English Unit Standard Level 2: 8825). 

Getting around
A unit in which students develop close reading skills, some research skills and, as an option, transactional writing skills, by studying the topic of transport problems in large cities around the world. Various activities are used to prepare students for unit standard 12420: Close Reading of Transactional Text

Designed to link to the curriculum area of economics, the tasks in this unit are designed to lead students to produce transactional writing in complex forms for US 8825. Students are asked to write an argument either for or against free trade. 'Globalisation' is very strongly supported by the unit Fat Tax, which is scaffolded to cater for learner needs, and includes a practice assessment task. Minimum teacher preparation is required.

I have in my arms both ways
Resources for teachers and students to use that assist students to meet the performance criteria for English Unit Standard Level 2: 12905 (Read an inclusive variety of texts and record the reading experience).

In the city: New Zealand short stories
In this unit students read and analyse two short stories by Maori authors, reflecting on some of the differences between Pakeha and Maori culture as well as issues that face some Maori living in urban environments. The unit is used to prepare students for the external assessment English 2.4 Read, study and analyse a number of short written texts and could also be used for English 2.2 Produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing.

New people, new place, new start
Based on the language associated with immigration and settlement issues, this unit is designed to lead students into carrying out their own research for English Achievement Standard 2.8 Investigate a language or literature topic and present information in written form. The unit provides two reading texts around which to base the learning of language techniques and paragraph writing. The research process and the writing of the research report is carefully scaffolded. 

The big "C"
This unit involves close reading of a number of report and recount texts relating to the subject of cancer in teenagers and adults. Students will learn to identify the main idea in a text and analyse its significance, to recognise language features and describe them, and to identify techniques used to shape the text. Several assessment opportunities, both formative and summative, are provided for US 12420: Read transactional written text closely.

The Garden Party
Based on Katherine Mansfield's The Garden Party, the formative tasks in this unit are designed to lead students to produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing for English 2.2 Produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing. Students are asked to describe an important character and say either why the character is important or how they learned about the character. The text The Garden Party is available online. The unit can be based on another text studied in class, catering to a range of learner needs, with a minimum amount of teacher preparation required.

You be the judge 
This unit prepares students for English 2.2 Produce crafted and developed formal transactional writing. Students are guided through the process of writing and developing a film review suitable for publication in a school newspaper. This unit can be used for any film, however, there is a specific focus on Bend it like Beckham directed by Gurinder Chandra. The unit could also be used to prepare students for English 2.5 View listen to, study and analyze a visual or oral text.
