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Māori media models

Students research a role model from their own whakapapa and orally present a "This Is Your Life" portfolio about that person.

Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version

Writer: Rowan Pita
Year level 12
Who are my learners and what do they already know? See:  Planning  Using Inquiry
School curriculum outcomes How your school’s principles, values, or priorities will be developed through this unit

Learning Outcomes

 (What do my students need to learn)

Curriculum achievement objectives (AOs) for:  

Processes and strategies

Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies purposefully, confidently, and precisely to identify, form, and express increasingly sophisticated ideas:

  • thinks critically about texts with understanding and confidence
  • creates a range of increasingly coherent, varied, and complex texts by integrating sources of information and processing strategies


Select, develop, and communicate sustained ideas on a range of topics:

  • develops, communicates, and sustains increasingly sophisticated ideas, information, and understandings

Language features

Select and integrate a range of language features appropriately for a variety of effects:

  • uses a wide range of oral, written, and visual language features fluently and with control to create meaning and effect and to sustain interest


Organise texts, using a range of appropriate, coherent, and effective structures:

  • organises and develops ideas and information for a particular purpose or effect, using the characteristics and conventions of a range of text forms with control.
Achievement Standard(s) aligned to AO(s) From 2012:
AS 2.5 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text

Teaching and Learning

 (What do I need to know and do?)

1-2 related professional readings or links to relevant research

Using inquiry to plan secondary English programme

English Teaching and Learning Guide [available from February 2011]

Assessment and Examination Rules and Procedures

Learning task 1

Learning intention(s)

Establishing prior learning

KCs/ Principles/Values focus


Thinking – explore texts

Learning task 1

Exploring role models

  1. Set up an appropriate class environment for this activity. Set the scene for the unit by getting students to search for:
    • books, magazines, articles on Māori role models from the library
    • posters
    • music (your Māori teacher or students are likely to have a good selection)
    • photographs
    • websites
  2. Organise a special corner to display the materials in the room. This is a good opportunity to learn how to care for material containing ancestral knowledge, motivate students and get them tuned into the topic.

  3.  Use role model cards then discuss role models in terms of genealogy, important influences, notable deeds, impact on people.

Learning task 2

Learning intention(s)

Exploring how to approach content development for an oral presentation

KCs/ Principles/Values focus


Thinking – using a range of thinking strategies to build understandings


Thinking – explore texts

 Relate to others – peer discussion

Learning task 2

Traditional and contemporary approaches

The traditional approach

Listen and take notes as your teacher or local elder speaks about ancestors from the local area. Check websites to see if there is any additional information about the ancestor.

Strip stories

Select an ancestor as a model for a strip story. Write separate paragraphs on strips of paper. The opening strip introduces the person by giving whakapapa details and why the person is a role model. 

The following strips give information on different aspects of the person usually in chronological order. 

The final strip sums up the impact on society and states why this person was of interest to research

The contemporary approach

Complete a class investigation on a contemporary role model like Hinewehi Mohi using a variety of research sources. Listen to songs from the album Oceania. Use a mindmap to extract and record relevant information that could be included in a ‘This Is Your Life’ portfolio for Hinewehi.

Learning task 3

Learning intention(s)

Preparing and delivering an oral presentation

KCs/ Principles/Values focus

KCs: Use language, symbols and texts – structure and express understandings about texts 

KCs: Use language, symbols and texts – structure and express understandings about texts

Learning task 3

Selecting a role model

  1. Choose a contemporary Māori role model or a role model from your own whakppa as the basis of your presentation.
  2. Ensure that the role model your select gives you enough scope to speak for at least four minutes. Briefly discuss your selection with your teacher before developing your presentation any further.

‘This Is Your Life’ portfolio

  1. Collect and structure the following information in the portfolio.
    • Whakapapa details (birth date, place, events, family connections, tribal affiliations)
    • The person’s name and relevance
    • Any notable physical, spiritual or emotional features
    • Any early influences in childhood that assisted the person in later life
    • Deeds of importance that the person accomplished
    • The impact the person had on the hapū/iwi, Māoridom and wider New Zealand society
    • Any other important information
    • Acknowledgment of resources, people and sources of information.

These points can be developed into sections of the ‘This Is Your Life’ portfolio.

Learning task 4

Learning intention(s)

Preparing and delivering an oral presentation

KCs/ Principles/Values focus KCs: Use language, symbols and texts – structure and express understandings about texts 

Learning task 4

 Rehearsing and delivering your presentation

  1. You will be assessed on how well you:
  2. In pairs, practise delivering your presentation. Make any necessary adjustments. Your presentation must be at least four minutes long. Look at selected exemplars on the Level 2 NCEA Speeches and Performances video. Some comparable exemplars for your presentation can be found for the internal assessment resources I Know Where You're Coming From. Discuss the exemplars' strengths and areas they could be improved. Look at and discuss the assessment schedule.
  3. Deliver your presentation.
  4. In 2011, your presentation can be assessed against Achievement Standard 90376: Deliver a presentation. From 2012, it can be assessed against its replacement, the new Level 2 oral presentation standard, AS 2.4 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text.The same standard of oral presentation is required at each achievement level for both the old and new achievement standards.

Assessment and Evaluation

 (What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Formative and/or Summative assessment task(s), including how will feedback be provided

In 2011:
AS 90374: Deliver a presentation using oral and visual language techniques.

From 2012:
AS 2.5 Construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text

Provision for identifying next learning steps for students who need:

  • further learning opportunities
  • increased challenge

This piece of writing should be an integrated part of the year’s writing programme. Refer to

English Teaching and Learning Guide 

Conditions of Assessment Guidelines for oral presentations.

 for more details.

Tools or ideas which, for example might be used to evaluate:

  • progress of the class and groups within it
  • student engagement

leading to :

  • changes to the sequence
  • addressing teacher learning needs
See:  Planning  Using Inquiry

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