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Who's telling the story

Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version

Writer Marie Stribling
Year level 11
Suggested duration Ongoing over two or three terms
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Overview This activity focuses on teaching students about how and why authors use different narrative perspectives in their texts. It also models how they can explain the narrative perspective connection across texts.
Learning area(s) English

Learning Outcomes

(What do my students need to learn?)

  • Making text to text connections
  • Identifying different types of narrative perspective
  • Analysing the effect of using an innocent narrator
  • Identifying a narrative perspective connection across texts
  • Explaining the narrative perspective connection across texts
Curriculum achievement objectives for: Level 6
  • Makes meaning by understanding comprehensive ideas
  • Makes connections by interpreting ideas within and between texts from a range of contexts
  • Understands that authors have different voices and identifies and can explain these differences

Teaching and Learning

(What do I need to know and do?)

Professional readings

"Making connections across texts" by Susan Davis Lenski

(accessible through doing a search for the above title on the Masterfile Premier database of TKI Epic databases- see your school librarian for your school’s logon and password)

Learning task 1 - Making text to text connections
Learning task 2 - Identifying different types of narrative perspective
Learning task 3 - Analysing the effect of using an innocent narrator
Learning task 4 - Identifying a narrative perspective connection across texts
Learning task 5 - Explaining a significant connection across texts

Assessment and Evaluation

(What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Summative assessment task(s), including how will feedback be provided

This assessment activity focuses on the narrative perspective connection. Students will use up to three of the texts which they have ‘read’ in class, and one text that they have chosen independently, to present a report (of at least 350 -400 words) which explains the narrative perspective connection across the four texts. Their explanation will be supported with at least one specific detail from each text. See exemplars (Word 48KB) .

Students will need guidance in their choice of independent text to ensure that their text is at an appropriate level.

Provision for identifying next learning steps for students who need:

  • further learning opportunities
  • increased challenge

Students could be encouraged keep a log of different types of connections so that they have the opportunity for further learning and assessment opportunities

As an extension exercise students could explore some texts which are connected through having a contrasting narrative perspective

Tools or ideas which, for example might be used to:

  • evaluate progress of the class and groups within it
  • evaluate student engagement

leading to:

  • changes to the sequence
  • addressing teacher learning needs

Introductory table – identifying and recording text to text connections
Extracts from texts -texts table
"Once" table
inference chart (Word 30KB)

The focus of this unit is to help students progress from an overall understanding of the concept of text- to-text connections to an understanding of one particular way that texts can be connected (through using a similar narrative perspective). Teachers may choose to encourage individual students to identify and explain another type of text- to -text connection (as discussed in learning task 1).

Printing this unit:

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Learning task 1

Learning intention(s) We are learning to make text- to- text connections.
KCs/Principles/Values focus Relate to others – work collaboratively
Think – make connections; predict; use visual literacy skills; use graphic organiser to organise thinking and see connections; think about thinking
Use language, symbols and texts- understand visual cues
  1. Make a class visit to the library or show students a range of bookcovers. Ask them to find three books whose covers suggest that there may be a connection between these texts. Class members share their ideas/ predictions about possible connections and the reasons for choosing. Alternatively students could check out some book covers online. (This type of connection is likely to be a subject/ theme connection or it may be a character or setting connection.)
  2. Collect a range of DVD covers or have students view these DVD covers online DVD 1; DVD 2; DVD 3; DVD 4. List at least three different ways that these texts may be connected.
  3.  Ask students to focus on a class text ‘read’ recently in class. This may be a written, oral or visual text. Brainstorm on board any connections they can make between that text and another text (written/ oral/ visual) the class has ‘read’. For example, is the connection a type of character or group of characters which is similar in each text? Is it something about the plot? Do they both have characters who fall in love? Do they have a similar setting?.....
  4. Ask students to think about the connection between one or both of those class texts and at least one text they have ‘read’ independently. It could be a book or graphic novel they’ve read, a movie they’ve viewed or a song they’ve heard.
  5. Ask students to complete introductory table which combines their results from tasks 3 and 4 above.
  6. As an extension, students could collaborate in groups on a poster which shows some different types of connections across texts.
  7. Discuss with students: What does ‘connections’ mean? It could mean that the texts are connected because they have similar aspects, or it could mean that they are connected because they have contrasting aspects. Brainstorm some titles of texts which are connected because they have contrasting aspects to the texts already identified and discussed. Add these texts to the introductory table and highlight them to show that they are texts which have a connection because they are contrasting.
  8. Ask students to share their results and to discuss in groups why we might want to explore connections between texts. How can this type of exploration help us with ‘reading’ and interpreting texts? What are some possible advantages of thinking about how texts are connected?
    Another significant connection across texts which students may not have discussed so far is a narrative perspective connection.

Learning task 2

Learning intention(s) We are learning to identify different types of narrative perspective.
KCs/Principles/Values focus Relate to others – work collaboratively
Participate and contribute – transfer learning to another context
Think – make connections; use graphic organiser as thinking tool

To model the thinking about possible connections it is not essential that the texts chosen are at Level 6 of the curriculum.

  1. Discuss the main types of narration used to tell a story: first person narration and third person narration. How can they be recognised? How do they differ? Why might writers choose first person narration or third person narration?
  2. Discuss the difference between a naïve / innocent narrator and a ‘knowing’ narrator. Naïve narrators are often (but not always) children, so they can only share what a child would know or understand. ‘Knowing’ narrators are likely to be older adolescents or adults. They will often reflect on things that happened in childhood but they bring a wiser perspective to the narration.
  3. Ask students to read these extracts from texts. Complete the table to show whether each text uses
    • a first person or a third person narrator.
    • an innocent/ naïve narrator or a ‘knowing’ narrator
    Use these texts as models to discuss with students the indicators or evidence which helps us choose whether we have a naïve narrator or one who is ‘knowing’.
  4. Give students some more practice at identifying the type of narration by choosing a range of short texts/ extracts from short texts or short extracts from longer texts. Allocate 2 or 3 texts to each group. Some examples could be:
    • “Ka kite Bro” – Willie Davis
    • “To Kill a Mockingbird” – Harper Lee
    • “The Catcher in the Rye” -J.D. Salinger
    • “It Used to be Green once” – Patricia Grace
    • “The Beginning of the Tournament” _ Witi Ihimaera
    • “In Search of the Emerald City”- Witi Ihimaera
    • “The Hills” – Patricia Grace
    • “The Boy in Striped Pyjamas” – John Boyne
    • “Mister Pip” - Lloyd Jones
    • “The Curious Incident of the Dog at Night- Time”- Mark Haddon
    • “The God Boy” – Ian Cross
    • “My First Ball” – Witi Ihimaera
    • “Kingfisher come home” – Witi Ihimaera
    For each text students should identify
    • whether the text uses a first person or a third person narrator.
    • whether the text uses an innocent/ naïve narrator or a ‘knowing’ narrator .
    Record results on texts table. Ask students to swap texts with a second group and then to share results with the class, giving reasons for choices. Students should ensure that they keep this table to refer to later.

Learning task 3

Learning intention(s) We are learning to analyse the effect of using an innocent narrator.
KCs/Principles/Values focus Relate to others – work collaboratively; peer assess
Participate and contribute
Think – make connections; use graphic organiser as thinking tool; justify; infer; use background knowledge; predict
  1. Read aloud and ask students to re-read an extract from the novel, “ Once” by Morris Gleitzman. Do we have a first person or a third person narrator? Do we have a naïve narrator or a ‘knowing’ narrator? How do we know?
  2. Ask students to highlight a word or phrase in the extract which answers each of the following questions:
    • When is the story set?
    • What country is the story set in?
    • Where is the main character living at the moment?
  3. Ask students to discuss, in groups, the following questions:

    Why is he there?

    Does he know why he’s there?

    How happy does he feel about his life there?

    What is suggested to the reader about his life?

    Student should record answers on the table. Use the completed table as the basis for a discussion of the idea that when the narrator is innocent or naïve there are two levels of understanding

    • what the character him/herself understands
    • what the reader understands
  4. Ask students to list what the reader knows or understands that the narrator doesn’t.
  5. Discuss how the reader knows. This could lead to a discussion with students about the way that good readers make use of reading strategies such as Making Predictions, Using Prior Knowledge, Inferring, Making Connections between ideas in a text to help them understand the text. Students should use inference chart (Word 30KB) to show how they have made inferences from the text.
  6. Ask students to choose another text (or an extract from a text) already studied which has a naïve narrator. Select some quotes from that text and write them on the blank inference chart (Word 29KB) .Give chart to a peer and ask peer to complete. Ask students to discuss results with peer.
  7. For this second text, students should collaborate on making a list of what the reader knows or understands that the narrator doesn’t.

Learning task 5

Learning intention(s) We are learning to explain the significant connection across texts.
KCs/Principles/Values focus Manage self- self assess
Participate and contribute- transfer learning
Think –explore connections
Use language, symbols and texts – use writing scaffold
  1. Here is a model of a paragraph which explains the effect of using a naïve or innocent narrator in “Once”.
    In “Once” the narrator is a young boy who is living in an orphanage in Poland in 1942. Because the narrator is a young child he doesn’t understand his situation. We realise a lot of things that he doesn’t know. For example when he mentions “1942” and “Poland” we make links with World War 2. He also refers to “ Adolf Hitler”, and his parents as “Jewish booksellers”. The boy is given a carrot to eat and because it’s his favourite vegetable he sees this as a sign from his parents to say that they are coming to collect him soon. Because we know what happened to a lot of Jews in World War 2 we realise that his parents probably are dead or in a concentration camp and probably won’t be coming back.
  2. Ask students use two different colour highlighters to highlight
    • Information about the significant connection of using a naïve narrator
    • Details/ examples from the text which support the connecting factor of a naïve narrator
  3. Discuss with students the use of linking words and phrases. ( The list of comparison words will be particularly useful) to join the paragraphs about the texts they write about.
  4. Read this extract from “To Kill a Mockingbird or ask students to choose a second text that they have identified as having the same narrative perspective (ie naïve narrator).
  5. Ask students to list what the reader knows or understands that the narrator doesn’t. Discuss how writers sometimes use this technique of a naïve narrator to create humour or to make social comment.
  6. Ask students to use a linking word/ phrase to begin a paragraph about the narrative perspective in that text. The paragraph must include
    • Information about the narrative perspective connection
    • Details/ examples from the text which support the connection
    Below are some possible sentence starters:
    • In ….. the narrator is…..
    • The narrator……
    • The readers….
    • An example ……
    • Another example…….

As an extension exercise, students could explore some texts which are connected through having a contrasting narrative perspective.

Learning task 3

Learning intention(s) We are learning to formulate effective questions to test the hypothesis.
KCs/Principles/Values focus Relate to others – peer discussion
Think – explore types of questions; justify

Before we embark on the testing process, students need to learn some search strategies and some evaluating strategies

  1. Discuss different types of questions
  2. Chop up the types of questions table and ask students to do a matching exercise. Students should compare answers with a peer and discuss any differences.
  3. Ask students to formulate at least two effective questions or areas for investigation which would help us to test the hypothesis There are more benefits to individuals and society from computer games than harmful effects”.
  4. Ask students to justify their question choice ie What kind of question is it? What are the specific indicators that make it an effective question?

Learning task 4

Learning intention(s) We are learning to use effective search strategies
KCs/Principles/Values focus Think – explore ideas about using keywords; justify
Use language, symbols, and texts – experiment with different keywords/ phrases to see how different searches give different results

Discuss the difference between concrete words and abstract words as search terms. Have students brainstorm and record word banks of concrete words for example, "computer games", "video games", "Grand Theft Auto"… and a word bank of abstract words, for example, "impact", "reasons", "advantages", "harm", "education", "violence".

The keyword refining strategies table sets out some keyword refining strategies. Ask students to complete the table, suggesting one or more search terms (a keyword/ phrase), other than "computer games", for each of the search strategies. Ask them to try out the search and to check which search terms have given them the best information linked to their questions.

Investigate, with students, the Google tools of Wonder wheel and Timeline. How might they be useful to our inquiry?

Investigate, with students, the EPIC databases, such as the Australia/ NZ Reference Centre. Check with your library staff for details about this. New Zealand schools will have their own logon details.

Learning task 6

Learning intention(s) We are learning to identify to test the hypothesis through finding information which is relevant to answering the question
KCs/Principles/Values focus Manage self- reflect on learning
Relate to others- collaborate on group task to reach shared understandings
Think –select relevant information; think about thinking
  1. Copy the trash and treasure cards onto cardboard and cut them up.
  2. Ask students to work in pairs or groups, separating the cards out into two piles:  treasure( ie information that answers the key question below) and trash ( ie information which is not relevant or useful for answering the question)
    Key question 1: What are some of the benefits of computer games?
    Now change the question and re-sort to answer Key question 2: What are some of the harmful effects of computer games?
  3. Discuss with students how different information is likely to answer different questions. Focus students on the implications of this knowledge for when they embark upon their own inquiry.

Learning task 7

Learning intention(s) We are learning to use the strategies of scanning and skimming to identify main ideas
KCs/Principles/Values focus Manage self- reflect on learning
Participate and contribute - understand that collective knowledge helps build understanding
Think – determine relevance; justify
  1. Discuss and model the reading strategy of skimming.
  2. Discuss and model the reading strategy of scanning.
  3. Students can practise these skills using Reading: Skimming and scanning – factsheets and worksheets.
  4. Copy off a short extract from an article such as Video Games : a source of benefits or addiction? . Give students one minute to scan the text, highlighting the particular words/ groups of words in the extract which might lead them to information which answers the question: ‘What might be some of the problems associated with computer games?’
  5. Discuss with students which keywords/ phrases from their word banks they might be looking for which would help them to answer the Key Question: ‘What might be some of the benefits of computer games?’ eg computer games, benefits, advantages, education, teach, learn….. Record these words/ phrases on the board. Repeat the scanning exercise above, using a different colour highlighter. Ask students to add to class list.
  6. Ask students to reflect on the success of their scanning exercises. Which one was easier? More effective? Why?

Learning task 8

Learning intention(s) We are learning to record information by making notes
KCs/Principles/Values focus Relate to others- collaborate with peer
Think – select relevant ideas
Use language, symbols and texts- develop own codes/ symbols/ shortcuts for notemaking

Once students have, first through skimming and then scanning, chosen texts to read more thoroughly for answers to their questions, they need to record their information by making relevant notes.

  1. Discuss key points about notemaking with students.
  2. View Fact Fragment Frenzy, a simple think aloud about notemaking. Ask students to work in pairs to use the strategy modelled in the demo to record notes from a text.
  3. Discuss modelled graphic organiser ( in this case the modelled data chart) to record relevant information which answers their questions.
  4. Ask students to transfer some notes from above exercise onto own data chart for making notes (Word 26KB)

Assessment task

Learning intention(s) We are learning to plan our own inquiry
KC Focus Manage self- set goals; develop independence in learning
Participate and contribute – choose authentic context
Think – use a variety of thinking tools and processes
Use language, symbols and texts- record findings


  1. Refocus students on earlier work around thematic connection of control to help them choose the focus for their own inquiry.
  2. Guide students through the process that has been modelled:
