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Notes from a text

Extract from The 2010 Horizon Report K-12 Edition (a publication of The New Media Consortium)

Research into games for educational purposes reveals some interesting trends. Early studies of consumer games helped to identify the aspects of games that make them especially engaging and appealing to players of various ages and of both genders: the feeling of working toward a goal; the possibility of attaining spectacular successes; the ability to problem-solve, collaborate with others, and socialize; an interesting story line; and other characteristics. These qualities are replicable, though they can be difficult to design well, and they can transfer to games featuring educational content. We are discovering that educational content can be embedded in games rather than tacked on, and that players readily engage with learning material when doing so will help them achieve personally meaningful goals.

Games and gamification

The modelled data chart


Question 1:
What are the harmful effects of video games?


Question 2:
What are the benefits of playing video games?


“State of Play”


Listener Oct 2008

  • Korean gamer died from exhaustion after playing continuously for 50 hours
  • Professor Mark Griffiths of Nottingham Trent university – expert- has done lots of research on issue- no evidence of negative effects
  • games where players share goals are positive – teamwork etc

“A load of rot”

 Listener Feb 2007

  • games exercise the brain
  • games are a type of learning
  • games teach people to obey the system – gamers have to play by the rules
https://serendipstudio.org/oneworld/ Study of teens who play video games – evidence says games like Doom, Unreal tourn. and Goldeneye 007 encourage violence – students playing these types of games showed more aggressive thoughts . Columbine murderers had played Doom a lot.  

Tearaway magazine

 Oct 2009

  • ‘Fair play’ study in US found that many games sterotype African Americans
  •  US and Japanese research show gamers exhibit more aggressive behaviour
  • Not all gamers are addicted. -There are lots of ‘normal gamers’- 44% over 44’ 48% are female.
Natonal Institute of media and the family
  • 1st person games – player in control – might lose track of reality
  •  parents should monitor

The Star


April 30 2008

  • lots of gaming can cause sleep problems and back pain
  • parents need to monitor use
    Florida study - obesity and heart problems
Science 2.0 website  

University of Rochester

  • research – showed action video games trained people to make decisions up to 25% faster
  •  strengthens connections between brain cells

Learning task 9

Learning intention(s) We are learning to reflect on the process we have followed
KCs/Principles/Values focus Manage self- self evaluate; reflect on learning
Think –think about thinking
  1. Ask students to self evaluate the process they have followed.
  2. Give students back their “ Beginning your inquiry” sheet. Ask them to think about how well this matches the process they actually went through in completing their own inquiry. Use a different colour pen to add to or adapt what they wrote initially. Or they may wish to rewrite what they have written. Some ideas they could consider are:
    • What parts of the process had they left out?
    • What do they need to change?
    • What do they need to add?
    • Which parts of what they wrote were useful to keep?

Learning task 10

Learning intention(s) We are learning to form conclusions
KCs/Principles/Values focus Manage self- reflect on learning
Think –form judgements and conclusions about findings; form judgements based on evaluation of information
Use language, symbols and texts – present findings

Discuss with students how to form conclusions (Word 30KB) based on the results of their inquiry.

To give students practice at identifying conclusions some possible approaches are:

  1. Using the extract from Exemplar B ask student to highlight conclusions.
  2. Cut up the conclusions table and use as a matching exercise for students.
  3. Ask students to practise forming conclusions by completing the forming conclusions from information table.

To complete the inquiry for assessment, students should present their findings, incorporating conclusions. Findings may be presented in oral, written or visual form. If findings are presented in written form, the Exemplars (Word 59KB)  can be used as models to follow.
