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Learning task 1 - Deconstruction of visual text

Learning intention(s) Establishing prior learning; building understandings about this text type
KCs Use language, symbols and texts – exploring features of visual texts

a) Before you start planning a visual text of your own, it is important that you read, view and deconstruct other visual texts. This will help you to develop an understanding of how directors and artists use a range of techniques to convey both literal and deeper meanings. You will also be able to consider which techniques they have chosen to communicate ideas and make informed decisions about which techniques you will use as you craft your own visual text.

In this section there are two options: Digital Poetry and an E-book Trailer. Both texts are examples of visual texts that have been developed from and inspired by written texts. You might like to select one or the other to deconstruct, or look at both.

Open, save a copy of and complete this three level guide for deconstructing the visual text (Word 33KB) .

Option One: Digital Poetry

b) Read the Digital Poem: Hinemoa’s Daughter

Read the poem Hinemoa’s Daughter by Apirana Taylor

Option Two: E-book

c) Read about the e-book Entwined here
