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The Bone Tiki (ZIP)

R Smith email: [email protected] Resources to support text study - plus see these websites: The Bone Tiki http://www.realmagick.com/cape-reinga-maori-mythology/ http://www.boneart.co.nz/meanings.htm

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Gerard's class- focusing inquiry

What was important, given where Gerard’s students were at?
Gerard’s was able to use the digital environment to focus on improving accuracy and variety of language features used in the student’s writing, by providing timely feedback.

What evidence did Gerard draw on?
Gerard used his knowledge of the class and the class’s e-asTTle Reading and Writing results to establish the abilities and strengths of each student. In particular, he drew on the work that the students had produced in the previous lesson to identify the range of technical issues that individual students were experiencing with their writing.

What evidence did Gerard draw on from his own practice or that of his colleagues?
Gerard wanted to give timely feedback to all students on the issues with language features that he had observed in their writing. As this lesson took place late in Term 3, Gerard was very familiar with the strengths and areas for improvement for all of the students in the class. Technical accuracy is also an area of focus for the whole school as many of the students are from non-English speaking backgrounds.

Gerard's class - teaching inquiry

Gerard's class - teaching inquiry

What strategies were most likely to help Gerard’s students learn what they needed to learn?

What evidence did Gerard draw on?
Gerard drew on research by John Hattie and Helen Timperley about how to give effective feedback on writing in an English classroom. The feedback was timely because it was for work completed the previous lesson and came from the students’ own work.

Video clip: Feedback

What evidence did Gerard draw on from his own practice or that of his colleagues?
Gerard’s knowledge of students at Tamaki, and discussions with colleagues, identified that students liked working together and liked to talk about their work together. The students also trusted student ‘experts’ in the class and were happy to share their ideas and work. However, they did not enjoy being singled out to have their work critiqued and so when Gerard started the lesson using actual student work to exemplify common errors he observed across the class, he made sure he removed student names from the work. Students were able to work at their own pace correcting the errors and improving the language features used in the writing samples and then to self correct their work. Because the samples were available electronically, students could access them at any time.

Video clip: Access to the web

Gerard's class - learning inquiry

Hama's class - learning inquiry

What happened as a result of Hama’s teaching, and what are the implications for his future teaching?

Students produced two pieces of writing that were self and peer evaluated. The aim was to see improvement across the four key elements of Creating Meaning towards Curriculum Level 5 (defined as Excellence in the rubric). No student was yet working at this level across all the elements. Hama reviewed the self and peer evaluations and the focus correction area marks. The latter were then compared with earlier marks, in order to gauge improvement. This allowed him to establish the teaching focus for each writing group in subsequent lessons.

Video clip: Peer evaluation

What evidence did Hama draw on from his own practice or that of his colleagues?

Hama drew heavily from his knowledge of the class to develop this lesson. The students created the “Do now” activity, which allowed them to take ownership at the start of the lesson. He then invited the students to choose who they wanted to work with to set goals for the quality of writing that they hoped to achieve.

Hama's class - what happened next?
