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Literacy Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

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Knowledge of the learner

Knowledge of the learner encompasses knowing about the pathway of progress for each student and about the patterns of progress for literacy learners in general at different points in their development. (Effective Literacy Practice, 2006)

Māori achievement

Ideas, examples, and resources to enhance learning and improve the achievement of Māori learners in their English classrooms. 

Pasifika achievement

Resources, research, and other materials to support the achievement of Pasifika learners with the English learning area.

Learners with special education needs

Exploring the specific English learning area supports available for learners with special education needs. 

Gifted and talented

Supports for school leaders and teachers of the English learning area in assisting gifted and talented students to reach their full potential academically, emotionally, and socially. 

Student voice

The NZC has students at the heart of the educational process. Decisions made in departments focus on the diverse learning needs and achievement of the best outcomes for all students. How departments support students' culture and identity is central to students experiencing success and realising their potential.

Focusing on the students

The senior secondary English curriculum guides provides support for focusing on your students, including developing a supporting learning environment; considering prior learning and experience; developing reflective thought and action, and exploring the relevance of new learning.

Making Language and Learning work 2

Integrating language and learning in secondary English and social sciences. This series of videos shows how teachers can effectively integrate content area teaching and language learning, exemplifying good practices in the use of language approaches which make it easier for learners to understand subject content. 

Gifted and talented

G&T pasifika.

All students require special provision in the English classroom. This includes those who are gifted, who may need enrichment, acceleration and differentiation from the main classroom programme. Any of the students in your class could be gifted – the ability to be a high achieving, creative, and complex thinker does not have cultural or economic boundaries. 

Gifted students in the English Classroom

Three Key Characteristics of Gifted Students:

  1. Pace: The learning rate of children above 130 IQ is approximately 8 times faster than for children below 70 IQ (Karen Rogers).
  2. Problem solving: Capacity to find, solve and act on problems more readily. They ask questions rather than answer questions.
  3. Abstract thinkers: They have the capacity to manipulate abstract ideas and make connections.

Gifted and talented students demonstrate a range of generic thinking behaviours: reasoning, accuracy, questioning skills, flexibility and breadth and depth, unity of thought, fairness, clarity, precision, relevance and significance.

The English Curriculum can draw on the range of domains of giftedness:

  • Critical/academic/analytical
  • Creative
  • Emotional/affective

Glenda Pearce,  Recognising the Gifted English Student

There are a range of resources and readings to help us begin to understand and use appropriate pedagogies that will enhance learning for gifted and talented learners when engaging with the English Learning area in The New Zealand Curriculum.

Questions to think about in your school context

  • As a teacher, what do you need to learn and do in order to maximise learning for gifted and talented students in your English class? 
  • What do you see teachers doing differently for gifted and talented students in their English classrooms? 
  • In what ways does your English teaching promote positive outcomes for gifted and talented students? 

Gifted and Talented: Meeting their needs in NZ - self-review
Ongoing self-review (internal evaluation) of a school’s identification of, and provisions for, gifted and talented learners is essential to ensure accountability and improvement. Self-review ensures that teaching and learning is achieving improved outcomes for all learners in these settings.

Key Resource

Recognising the Gifted English Student (Word 45KB)
This article by Glenda Pearce presents an overview of the range of possible characteristics of gifted English students at secondary level (reprinted with the permission of English in Aotearoa).


Empowering gifted writers
Rowan Taigel from Cambridge High School is an English teacher and one of CORE Education's 2014 eFellows. In this EDtalk Rowan describes her work with gifted writers and how she worked to empower them and help them release their voice using blended E-Learning techniques. 


Teaching shakespeare for gifted students: 3 ideas
Shakespeare and gifted students fit together like a glove. Providing them with challenging and creative means to learn will enhance learning, as well as allow gifted students to develop new skills.

GiftedED - Professional learning & support
Explore opportunities for connecting with professionals in gifted and talented education.

Twice/multi exceptional learners

Twice exceptional.

Twice/multi exceptional (or 2E students) are sometimes also referred to as double labelled, or having dual exceptionality. These are gifted students whose performance is impaired, or high potential is masked, by a specific learning disability, physical impairment, disorder or condition. They may experience extreme difficulty in developing their giftedness into talent.

Gifted students with disabilities are at-risk as their educational and social/emotional needs often go undetected. Educators often incorrectly believe twice-exceptional students are not putting in adequate effort within the classroom. They are often described as ‘lazy’ and ‘unmotivated’. Hidden disabilities may prevent students with advanced cognitive abilities from achieving high academic results. 2E students perform inconsistently across the curriculum. The frustrations related to unidentified strengths and disabilities can result in behavioural and social/emotional issues.

The  Twice-multi exceptional learners section on gifted.tki.org will help you to understand the particular strengths and needs of twice/multi exceptional learners.

Student voice

How do our students view learning? How do they see their future, and define success? Is school meeting their expectations? Which subjects do they like or dislike – and why? What helps them to learn? What makes a good teacher?

Students learn best when they feel accepted, when they enjoy positive relationships with their fellow students and teachers, and when they are able to be active, visible members of the learning community.
The New Zealand Curriculum

Questions to think about in your school context

  • How does the concept of  ako underpin your practice?
  • What ways can you gather student voice in your department?
  • How can ICTs support gathering student voice?
  • How can you involve students in reviewing teaching and learning?
  • How could this information inform what you do within your department?


Two approaches to differentiation - Massey High School and Tamaki College
Teachers from Massey High School and Tamaki College share their approaches to differentiated writing programmes in the junior school.

Learning conversations
Teachers and students from Kelburn Normal School discuss how developing learning conversations has empowered students to feel that they can be more creative and individual. The emergence of student voice and the way students discuss their learning highlights the success of these conversations.

Putting students first in English at John McGlashan College
Iain McGilchrist is the head of English at John McGlashan College in Dunedin. He discusses how they use student voice to help plan the content of what they are going to teach. Iain also discusses how student voice guides assessment opportunities.

Putting students first in English at Albany Senior High School
At Albany Senior High School students are at the forefront when designing English courses. They believe that the important thing to remember is that it is all about the students' own learning, their engagement, and therefore their ownership of that learning.

Our vision for English at Katikati College
Natalie Cowie, head of English at Katikati College, takes us through the process her department used to develop a vision for teaching and learning - including giving students a chance to contribute their ideas.
