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English and e-Learning

e-Learning enables learning opportunities to be tailored to students’ individual needs and interests, improving achievement and engagement. In English, this may mean using e-Learning to raise literacy levels; using devices or software to engage reluctant learners with texts; or creating self managing learning opportunities to suit different learning pathways.

Pedagogy and e-Learning:

  • e-Learning and collaborative/co-constructive pedagogies appear to be linked.
  • Using these pedagogies – that also foster interaction and co-operation - appear to lead to effective learning and better teacher/student relationships.
  • Learning in an e-Learning-rich environment may make peer and collaborative learning opportunities easier, thus supporting students’ cognitive, affective and social interactions. These ways of working may lead to improved educational outcomes.
  • The prevalence of e-Learning technologies as natural ways of working in technologically-rich New Zealand schools point to ways in which traditional learning (literacy, numeracy) can be achieved in highly motivating ways. Some of these schools demonstrate both the power of an authentic audience for students’ work, and how a school’s prevailing ethos about the social and pedagogical frameworks important to learning, becomes a critical factor for success.

e-learning in the classroom

Creating iBooks
Teacher, Mihi Morunga, and students describe the process of creating iBooks and the benefits these have in the learning process. Once completed students can share their books with whānau.

Teacher inquiry into improving NCEA learning outcomes
Teresa Cargo, Sacred Heart Girls College, shares her teacher inquiry into using video with her Year 13 students to improve students' ability to present social and informative speeches. Teresa found using video cameras to support student reflection led to a large shift in student achievement. 

Twitter at school
Tamara Yuill Proctor is the teacher in charge of English and Social Studies at Tuatapere Community College. In this talk Tamara explains her plans for incorporating Twitter into her classrooms. She explains that Twitter is a technology that appeals to students which makes it ideal for supporting and extending learning.

Is there an app for that?
Paula Eskett is the school library manager at Riccarton High School in Christchurch. Paula is a CORE Education eFellow and has spent the year investigating increasing student engagement in research and learning through the use of mobile devices. 

Polyfest as a learning context
Mangere College students describe e-posters they designed as part of their visual arts NCEA assessments to reflect their identity and culture. 

Video gaming as a context
This snapshot describes how a teacher used the creation of a video game as the context for a year 11 English programme. Students developed their English language skills at the same time as they learned how to create their own video game.

Stop motion animation to promote literacy
Sue Martin uses stop motion animation with her students to promote narrative skills, particularly sequencing and retelling. After teaching them how, her students now work independently during reading time in the animation corner. She encourages student self and peer reflection by asking questions at the end of each session.

Using blogs 

Blogs: Information about what blogs are, what they do, and how you can use them as a tool in teaching and learning.

Improving student writing using blogs: An authentic audience giving specific feedback
Teacher Kate Friedwald and a student discuss how blog writing encourages students to write more, to write better, and to produce better quality work because it is being seen.

Increasing engagement through Blogger
Students at Epsom Girls Grammar School improved their writing ability and their understanding of assessment standards through the use of blogging.

Useful resources

Enabling e-Learning

View school stories, snapshots of learning, and resources that show how schools are using technologies to support collaboration, personalised learning, and authentic learning experiences within the English learning area.
