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Literacy Online. Every child literate - a shared responsibility.
Ministry of Education.

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Connecting with families

Professional readings

Involving parents of English language learners in their children's schooling (PDF) (541 kB): A 'why' and 'how to' article from Goldenberg.

Funds of knowledge: Learning from language minority households: Classroom practice can be enriched by drawing upon the existing funds of knowledge in minority students' households.

The complexity of community and family influences on children's achievement in New Zealand: Best Evidence Synthesis iteration (BES): The influences of families/whanau and communities are identified as key levers for high quality outcomes for diverse children. Outcomes include both social and academic achievement. The focus is on children from early childhood through to the end of secondary schooling.

007 family and community engagement in education (PDF 152KB): 2007 paper briefly outlining findings about family and community influences on students' achievement. The paper identifies key principles for working in partnership with families and community and summarises features of partnership programmes in the Manukau area.

Knowledge of the Learner

Defining Diversity activities

This is a selection of activities from the Ministry of Education publication Defining Diversity: A Facilitation Manual to use with New to New Zealand (2008). The activities are designed to assist Boards of Trustees, senior management, teachers, and parents to deepen their understanding of cultural diversity and encourage the development of culturally appropriate responses. 

Supporting diverse learners

Teaching in a way that is responsive to the diversity in our classrooms has the most profound effect on our learners. 

The development of strong school–whānau relationships, culturally responsive classrooms, and the deliberate use of effective teaching strategies can help the diverse learners in your classroom.

Explore ways to include and understand refugee learners with an acknowledgment of their past experiences as well as their need to engage with the classroom programme.

ESOL and students with special education needs

Responding to the needs and strengths of all students, is one of the foundations of an inclusive classroom. The successful participation of special needs learners in ESOL tasks across the curriculum, involves a team response to individual needs – and participating at a suitable level often means academic success. 

English language learners and Literacy

Mastery of literacy in a second language is supported by literacy in the student's first language. Language knowledge in one language can serve as the foundation for a new language. Dual language books, high interest readers, and in class or withdrawal remediation, can all add to success for literacy learning for ELLs.
