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Learning task 2

Language and literacy intention(s)

We are learning to:

  • construct a simple lantern.
  • read, understand and repeat a simple procedure

We will use:

  • prepositions (in, into, from, over, along, around)
  • imperative verbs (cut, roll, press, crease, glue)

Vocabulary: equipment, materials, paper clips, ruler, glue, stapler, scissors, two centimetre measuring strip, card,  paper

Opportunities for Key
competencies development

Participating and Contributing

Using Language, Symbols and Texts                                                                                

Principles and values

Cultural Diversity

Learning to learn


Lesson 2 – Constructing a simple lantern

Teacher checks for understanding of ‘features’ (noun) and places definition on the ‘Lanterns’ word wall.

Picture and Vocabulary Match

The teacher gives groups of four students a picture and vocabulary pack (Appendix 2 – Lantern Construction Pictures). Students match each picture with the correct imperative verb and put the pictures in the right order.

Shared dictation

Students work in pairs, with each person having half of the instructions (Appendix 3 –Shared Dictation). Students take turns to read out their part of the instructions for constructing a lantern. Explain to pairs that if they are reading, they must read slowly and repeat if their partner doesn’t understand. After three repeats if you partner still does not understand, spell the word. Students complete the dictation.

The teacher hands out the model set of instructions (Appendix 4 –Instructions for Making a Simple Lantern) and students check their dictation for accuracy. 

The teacher discusses the identified language features (as in the language outcomes above) on the model text explaining the key features. The teacher pays particular attention to the imperative verbs which are used. The teacher checks for understanding of the purpose of ‘imperative verbs’ and places definition on ‘Lanterns’ vocabulary wall. Students highlight language features on their own model text.

Classifying task What are materials? What is equipment? Why are they important parts of the instructions? Students are issued vocabulary (Appendix 5 – Equipment and Materials Vocabulary) to be classified as materials or equipment. Students sort items required for the construction of a simple paper lantern into the appropriate group (Appendix 6 - Equipment and Materials Sorting Chart).

Barrier activity (refer strategies at end of unit).

Each student reads out the lantern making instructions, used in the shared dictation, to her/his partner who listens and constructs a simple lantern. Their partner can not read the text themselves. 

After one student has made a lantern they swap roles and complete the exercise.After both lanterns are completed. The teacher asks the following questions:  What made it easy for you to follow the instructions?  What made it difficult for you to follow the instructions? What did you have to do as the listener and speaker to make this exercise work well?

Assessment. Teachers and students check the lanterns to make sure they have been constructed correctly according to the instructions.
