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Speaking frames

How to use speaking frames

Establish the responses you expect the students to make. Model these with the students and discuss them. Write out sentence starters to act as a speaking frame. You may also include a small word bank. You may need to create more than one of these frames, each one offering different levels of support.

The benefits of using speaking frames

  • Helps to set the criteria for effective responses.
  • Reduces vague language, encourages precise and concise language.
  • Encourages productive use of acad


Speaking frames are a type of sentence frame that provides sentence starters and models for English language learners who may not have sufficient knowledge of standard sentence structure to be able to create sentences independently. They are a support, which should gradually be withdrawn eg. "The ________ lives in a _______."

Watch these short videos to see speaking frames being used in a primary classroom and in a secondary classroom




Teaching and learning sequence examples:

Primary level:

Secondary level:

Think, pair, share

Think, Pair, Share is a way of providing increased wait time so that students have time to think before they speak or write. It also provides opportunities for repetition and for practising and polishing language. This strategy is very easy to use and takes no preparation and it can be used across all learning areas.

The students first work individually writing down their ideas. Next they share their ideas with a partner and then with a larger group or whole class. It is important that students need to be able to share their partner’s ideas as well as their own.

The 'wait or think' time that is part of Think, Pair, Share has been demonstrated to be a powerful factor in improving student responses to questions.

Watch this video to see Think, pair, share being used in a year 5–6 visual arts class

Teaching and learning sequence planning examples:

Primary level:

Secondary level:
