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Unit Standard 22750 - Writing

EAP unit standard 22750, version 4: Write a crafted text using researched material in English for an academic purpose

This sequence is designed for learners preparing for tertiary level study. It is aimed at learners who are learning to listen to understand and process extended text containing complex and abstract ideas. 

The teaching and learning sequences will scaffold and prepare students for the summative assessment of this standard. The teaching and learning sequences link to the dimensions of effective practice. Lessons are built around principles of effective teaching and learning for English language learners. Teachers will also need to make links to relevant  key competencies.

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Formative assessment task: Unit Standard 22750

Unit Standard 22750, version 4: Write a crafted text using researched material in English for an academic purpose.

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Making Lanterns

This teaching and learning sequence could be used in conjunction with the DVD ‘Making Language and Learning Work 3’. Available from Down the Back of the Chair – Item number 113358

Learning Outcomes | Teaching and Learning | Assessment and Evaluation | Printing Version

Writer: Peter Fowler
Year level: Years 7-8
Who are my students and what do they already know?

The students are in a mainstream Year 7 class. There is a broad range of language and academic abilities within the room. A number of students are operating at or above the national cohort in reading and writing There are some New Zealand born students who have below expected level literacy skills and there are seven English Language Learners (ELLs) who range in language ability, according to the English Language Learning Progressions, from Foundation to Stage 2.

Identified student learning strengths and needs this sequence is designed to address.

The students in this class had attended some Technology classes and therefore had an understanding that a sequence of steps needs to be taken in order to move through the design and construction process. Most students had limited knowledge of what was involved in developing a design brief. Most New Zealand born students had an understanding of what a lantern was and what it was used for. All of the ELLs understood what a lantern and its purpose was when the concepts and language were explained. Amongst the ELLs there was limited knowledge of the technology design process.

Context knowledge and specific skills and understandings (i.e. content knowledge)

Teaching a Technology unit in a mainstream classroom enabled all students to meet learning objectives in Technology and enabled the teacher to meet key ear 7 literacy learning objectives.

Learning Outcomes

(What do my students need to learn?)

Learning area(s)  
Curriculum achievement objectives for: Include level and objective(s)
  • English Level 3

Achievement Objectives

Students will:

Processes and strategies

Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confidence to identify, form, and express ideas.


  • creates a range of texts by integrating sources of information and processing strategies with developing confidence;
  • seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to improve clarity, meaning, and effect;

By using these processes and strategies when speaking, writing, or presenting, students will:

Purposes and audiences

Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences.


  • constructs texts that show a growing awareness of purpose and audience through careful choice of content, language, and text form;

Language features

Use language features appropriately, showing a developing understanding of their effects.


  • uses a range of vocabulary to communicate meaning;
  • uses a range of text conventions, including most grammatical conventions, appropriately and with increasing accuracy.


Organise texts, using a range of appropriate structures.


  • organises and sequences ideas and information with increasing confidence
  • Learning area focus
  • Technology Level 3

Achievement Objectives

Students will:

Technological Practice

Planning for practice

Undertake planning to identify the key stages and resources required to develop an outcome. Revisit planning to include reviews of progress and identify implications for subsequent decision making.

Brief development

Describe the nature of an intended outcome, explaining how it addresses the need or opportunity. Describe the key attributes that enable development and evaluation of an outcome.

Outcome development and evaluation

Investigate a context to develop ideas for potential outcomes. Trial and evaluate these against key attributes to select and develop an outcome to address the need or opportunity. Evaluate this outcome against the key attributes and how it addresses the need or opportunity.

Technological products

Understand the relationship between the materials used and their performance properties in technological products.

Characteristics of technological outcomes

Understand that technological outcomes are recognisable as fit for purpose by the relationship between their physical and functional natures.

Overall language and literacy learning outcomes

Relevant Links to The Literacy Learning Progressions.

When students at this level create texts, they:

  • understand their purposes for writing and how to achieve those purposes (e.g., by using different ways to examine and present their own thinking and knowledge);
  • plan effectively, where appropriate, by using strategies such as mind mapping or skills such as information-literacy skills to find and record the information they need for their writing;
  • craft and recraft text by revising and editing, checking that the text meets its purpose and is likely to engage the intended audience, and proofreading the text to check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
  • actively seek and respond to feedback on their writing.

They draw on knowledge and skills that include:

  • deliberately choosing a clear and logical text structure to suit their purpose and audience, sometimes innovating in order to achieve this;
  • using language that is appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose (e.g., expressive, academic, or subject-specific vocabulary) and discussing these language choices using appropriate terms, such as register and tone;
  • using a variety of sentence structures, beginnings, and lengths for effect;
  • using complex sentences that are grammatically correct;

Vocabulary (Word 33KB)

Content Vocabulary

construction, features, lantern, brief, design, tools, wire, scale, represent, unique, community, culture, neighbourhood, criteria, purpose, need, equipment, materials,

Language Learning Vocabulary

sentence, procedure, outcome, instructions

imperative verbs: fold, crease, glue, cut, roll, staple, hold, etc

modal verbs: should, must, have to, could, might, will

Language learning Outcomes

By the end of the unit students will be able to:

  • read, understand and repeat a simple procedure (with prepositions of place, connectives, modal verbs, imperatives and technical language). Please note: The English Language Intensive Programme is used extensively for model text/grammar focus) (See reference list)
  • record ideas in full sentences
  • use appropriate language and structure to write a design brief.

Pre Unit Teaching Activities

Establish a vocabulary wall on the topic of lanterns before the unit begins.

Each student will need to set up a learning journal on the topic of lanterns.

Find photos of a variety of lanterns to display.

Model - Think Pair Share, Shared Dictation and Dictogloss before the unit begins. (See reference list)

Teaching and Learning

(What do I need to know and do to meet the range of identified learning needs of my students?)

1-2 related professional readings or relevant research Accelerating Writing Progress in Years 7 and 8 - Literacy Online 
Learning task 1
Learning task 2
Learning task 3
Learning task 4
Learning task 5
Learning task 6-7
Learning task 8

Assessment and Evaluation

(What is the impact of my teaching and learning?)

Assessment task(s), including

  • Provision for identifying next learning steps for students who need:
    • further teaching and learning opportunities
    • increased challenge

Learning Intention Task 1

 We are learning to share ideas and information in complete sentences.

Assessment Opportunities

The teacher monitors groups as they make entries onto the lanterns posters. Particular attention should be given to ELLs.

The teacher checks entries to lanterns journal. Students who are unable to complete the final tasks using complete sentences (note punctuation and grammar) are given additional opportunities to learn this.

Learning Intention Task 2

We are learning how to

  • construct a simple lantern.
  • read, understand and repeat a simple procedure

We will use:

  • prepositions (in, into, from, over, along, around)
  • imperative verbs (cut, roll, press, crease, glue)

Assessment Opportunities

The teacher monitors pairs as they read the procedure and follow the instructions.

Further procedural writing instruction and activities may be required. Refer English Language Intensive Programme Years 7-13.

The teacher and students check the finished lanterns to see that the procedure has been followed.

Learning Intention Learning Task3

We are learning to:

  • follow a design brief (OR Consider technology as a purposeful intervention through design)
  • write a design brief.

We will: use precise verbs; use appropriate modal verbs when writing our brief (will, must, could, should).

Assessment Opportunities

The teacher uses the students’ lanterns journal to check:

  • the critiquing of the simple lantern.
  •  their understanding of a design brief. Further reading and writing of design briefs may be required if students do not demonstrate understanding of design brief elements.

Learning Intention Task 4

We are learning how:

  • to construct a lantern to meet criteria.
  • to use modal verbs, conjunctions of reason, technical vocabulary

Assessment Opportunities

Students complete lantern criteria sheet (Word 35KB) . The teacher monitors to check that the criteria have been matched to the design and construction features of the displayed lanterns or photos.

Teacher checks students’ lantern journals to see that ideas for design are beginning to develop. Small group assistance may be required to encourage and support design ideas.

Learning Intention Learning Task 5

We are learning to:

  • design a lantern against the set of criteria.
  • create a list of equipment and materials.
  •  make a simple scale drawing

Assessment Opportunities

The teacher monitors and checks use of The Lantern Construction Graphic Organiser (Word 28KB) . Students should have completed their design brief, construction criteria and equipment and materials list. Particular attention should be paid to students’ understanding of difference between equipment and materials.

Final Assessment Task

 Presentation of the finished lantern and completion of The Lantern Construction Graphic Organiser (Word 28KB)

At the end of the unit student’s lanterns are given a peer and teacher assessment. Students must also complete the Lantern Construction Graphic Organiser. The teacher gives feedback on all sections. This is an opportunity to check students understanding of:

  • the design and construction process
  • the language requirements of writing a procedural text and a design brief.

Tools or ideas which, for example, might be used to:

  • evaluate progress of the class and groups within it toward the identified outcomes
  • evaluate student engagement

Recording of learning intentions and lesson reflections in the student’s lanterns journal.

Peer assessment.

Completion of lantern construction graphic organiser

Assessment against construction criteria.

Teacher observation during whole class feedback on text analysis sessions.

As mentioned above, further instruction on the Technology elements of the unit and associated language may be required during the sequence of lessons.

Reference List

MoE Teacher Resources

  • Ministry of Education (2010). The Literacy Learning Progressions. Wellington: Learning Media.
  • Ministry of Education (2008). Making Language and Learning Work 3 (DVD) Cognition Consulting; University of Canterbury and Visual Learning.
  • Ministry of Education (2003). English Language Intensive Programme Years 7-13. Wellington: Learning Media.
  • Ministry of Education (2008). The English Language Learning Progressions Years 5-8. Wellington: Learning Media.
  • Ministry of Education (2006). Effective Literacy Practice in Years 5-8. Wellington: Learning Media.

Other Recommended Texts

  • Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding Language, Scaffolding Learning. Teaching Second Language Learners in the Mainstream Classroom. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.



Printing this unit

If you are not able to access the zipped files, please download the following individual files:

Marine mammals: Writing information texts

Updated: February 2018

This unit is designed to develop students’ skills in writing information texts. Students will practise text structures appropriate to the genre of information texts and will develop in the ability to use cohesive devices and write complex sentences.

Marine mammals: Reading an information report

Updated: February 2020

This unit is designed to develop students’ understanding of the structure and language features of an information report and to give them opportunities to practice the reading skills needed to access the content of such a report independently.

Oral language: Participate in a conversation

Updated: February 2020

This unit is designed to build on students’ interpersonal speaking skills. They will be given opportunities to be more spontaneous in initiating and responding to others in conversation. This includes strategies for sustaining conversation with two other speakers.

Oral language: Understand spoken information and instructions in a range of contexts

Updated: February 2020

This unit is designed to develop students’ listening skills leading to formative assessment with feedback and feed-forward. Students will become familiar with assessment language and the types of tasks set for unit standard assessments.

Oral language: Understand spoken information in a range of contexts, using ESOL

Updated: February 2018

This unit is designed to develop students’ listening skills leading to formative assessment with feedback and feed-forward. Students will become familiar with assessment language and the types of tasks sat for unit standards assessments in years 11 to 13.
